Membership Benefits
Membership in ICRS is open to anyone interested in any aspect of coral reefs. While the society‘s membership consists principally of researchers, managers and students interested in the science of coral reefs and associated ecosystems, others with an interest in, or concern for, reefs of any type are most welcome.
The benefits of membership include:
- Receipt of the Society’s scientific journal Coral Reefs
- Receipt of and the right to publish in the Society’s on-line news journal Reef Encounter
- Reduced registration fees for the International Coral Reef Symposium and other meetings sponsored by the Society
- The right to be nominated for one of the society’s awards, including society fellowships and young scientist awards
- Access to the Society’s on-line resource, including the on-line Membership Directory
- Eligibility to stand for election as an Officer or Councillor
- The right to vote in elections of Officers and Councillors, and at General Meetings
if you have questions about ICRS membership, please contact us.